Das NEINhorn

Icon date Sat 12.04.2025
Time icon 11:00–12:00

Das NEINhorn

Icon category Children and youth programme
Icon location Next Liberty
Icon Altersempfehlung from 5 years
Tickets Icon calendar
  • Das NEINhorn

    Icon date Thu 10.04.2025
    Time icon 10:30–11:30
    Icon calendar
  • Das NEINhorn

    Icon date Thu 10.04.2025
    Time icon 16:00–17:00
    Icon calendar
  • Das NEINhorn

    Icon date Fri 11.04.2025
    Time icon 10:30–11:30
    Icon calendar

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Freie Fahrt by Bühnen Graz - free transport to the show!


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Always smiling and saying yes? Always in a good mood, kissy kissy and baba, hota, hota hopsasa? Not with the little unicorn, who at some point has had enough of his (yes, anyway) lily-loving relatives, sugared clover and gurgling bubble lakes and decides to leave his native forest of hearts to become a NO unicorn … Yes, what actually? Nothing in particular. And where to? Nowhere. Well then. On its road trip, it meets the WASbear, who listens badly or simply doesn’t listen properly, the NAhUND, who may or may not care about everything, and a king DOCHter, whose backtalk has put them in an awkward position, and the four of them decide to work together from now on … Yes, what actually? Nothing in particular. And where to? To nowhere. Well then. The main thing is fun and no parsley!


Never has “Keine Lust!” has never been packed into a play, never has “being against it” sounded better: Anyone who likes Marc-Uwe Kling’s grandiose children’s book hit will celebrate this musical theater version by the successful author duo Florian Stanek and Sebastian Brand (“Die fürchterlichen Fünf”, “Frau Holle”) even more, which trots back onto the stage just in time for “NEINachten” – unbridled joy in celebrating bad moods and boycotting rhymes, artistic duels and treadmill choreographies, acute sing-along and imitation potential included!

Translated by Deepl

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