Stermann & Grissemann
Stermann & Grissemann
Stermann & Grissemann

For the last time in Graz!
The TV show 2025 live on stage for the last time – with fantastic guests! After nine years on tour, it’s finally over at the end of 2025. “Gags, Gags, Gags”, the seventh live program of the two popular humor workers, says goodbye to the stage and finds its final resting place in the country’s cabaret archives. …
But even in this last year, the Stermann & Grissemann universe of subtle insults, sabotage and self-dismantling, nonsense, bizarre parody, persiflage and polemics has expanded to an unimagined extent: the two, who are “actually too good for television” (John Cleese), continue to whizz through their self-imposed gag slalom in their usual first-class manner.
However, both of them, including the German (Stermann), never stray into cabaret-style resentment or bore with dull social-democratic punchlines. Not a second with Stermann and Grissemann is a waste of time. So take advantage of this last chance. It won’t be to your disadvantage!
“Gags, gags, gags!”
“A highlight of Central European humor artistry” (Sir Peter Ustinov, during his lifetime)
“Not the worst” (Jon Stewart)
“For those who can’t do much with the sometimes brute duo, this is probably nothing. Everyone else is in for a great evening.” (Tagesanzeiger)