Icon date Sun 01.02.2026
Time icon 19:00


Icon category Cabaret
Icon location Orpheum Graz

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– “Was that too hard?” –
EMMVEE goes on tour in Germany with his new program

EMMVEE is back and playfully pushing the boundaries of humor! In his latest program, he invites the audience to find out together with him: What is comedy actually allowed to do? The idea that everyone is equal is paramount. EMMVEE makes jokes about everything and everyone and shares experiences from his own life. He uses his irresistible charm and captivates the audience with his typical humorous wink. A successful mixture of interactions with the audience and razor-sharp punchlines make EMMVEE’s show a unique experience. Afterwards, the audience can ask themselves the question: Was that too hard?

Translated by Deepl

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Free transportation with Freie Fahrt by Bühnen Graz.

Free of charge puplic transport

Holders of a Bühnen Graz Ticket also receive a free ticket for all Styrian public transport on the day of the respective event.

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