Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil
Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil
Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil
Wed 04.06.2025
- Inszenierung: Nikolaus Habjan
- Bühnenbild: Jakob Brossmann
- Kostüme: Denise Heschl
- Regieassistenz: Johanna Ortner
- Faust: Daniel Doujenis
- Mephistopheles: Manuela Linshalm
- Margarete: Lisa Rothhardt
- Der Herr/Brandner/Marthe/Chor: Helmut Pucher
- Wagner/Hexe/Chor: Christoph Steiner
- Erzengel Raphael/Erdgeist/Frosch/Meerkatze/Valentin/Chor: Michael Großschädl
- Erzengel Gabriel/Siebel/Meerkatze/Chor/Irrlicht: Martin Niederbrunner
Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil
Wed 04.06.2025
- Inszenierung: Nikolaus Habjan
- Bühnenbild: Jakob Brossmann
- Kostüme: Denise Heschl
- Regieassistenz: Johanna Ortner
- Faust: Daniel Doujenis
- Mephistopheles: Manuela Linshalm
- Margarete: Lisa Rothhardt
- Der Herr/Brandner/Marthe/Chor: Helmut Pucher
- Wagner/Hexe/Chor: Christoph Steiner
- Erzengel Raphael/Erdgeist/Frosch/Meerkatze/Valentin/Chor: Michael Großschädl
- Erzengel Gabriel/Siebel/Meerkatze/Chor/Irrlicht: Martin Niederbrunner
Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil
Thu 05.06.2025
- Inszenierung: Nikolaus Habjan
- Bühnenbild: Jakob Brossmann
- Kostüme: Denise Heschl
- Regieassistenz: Johanna Ortner
- Faust: Daniel Doujenis
- Mephistopheles: Manuela Linshalm
- Margarete: Lisa Rothhardt
- Der Herr/Brandner/Marthe/Chor: Helmut Pucher
- Wagner/Hexe/Chor: Christoph Steiner
- Erzengel Raphael/Erdgeist/Frosch/Meerkatze/Valentin/Chor: Michael Großschädl
- Erzengel Gabriel/Siebel/Meerkatze/Chor/Irrlicht: Martin Niederbrunner

More detailsDoctor Faust is in doubt, having striven and studied for knowledge and wisdom all his life, but despite all this he does not feel that he has really achieved anything, or even that he knows what is important in life, what “holds the world together at its core”. He curses reason and science and is more than ready to follow up his great words with wild deeds, even to take himself out of life, but then the devilishly attractive Mephistopheles crosses his path and offers to satisfy the doctor’s hunger for knowledge and experience. In return, Faust promises him his soul (not knowing that it has long been the stake of a completely different bet) and allows himself to be dragged through the “wild life”: He becomes enchanted and amused, rejuvenated and in love, but by no means calm of soul or more prudent, and thus entangles many others around him in this destructive, unfortunate game.…
Verweile, denn du bist so schön.
Nikolaus Habjan’s extraordinary production has been proving since February 2016 that it is worth paying a little more attention (again) to THE classic of German literary history. After numerous guest performances in Vienna, Germany and Switzerland, this captivating combination of show and puppet show once again offers all Goethe connoisseurs and inquisitive minds, fans of the classics and fans of successful (re)interpretation the opportunity to confront the really big questions and Mephisto’s destructive (show)play – come what may.