Familienkonzert: "76 Trombones"
Familienkonzert: "76 Trombones"

More detailsWhat does it sound like when 76 trombones play at the same time? Loud? Probably. But the trombone can also be different. And how! In different formations, the musicians – from beginners to professionals – elicit different timbres from their instruments and take the audience on a journey into the diverse world of the golden wind instrument. From jazz, rock and pop to classical music, everything is included. …
With David Luidold, KUG students and 76 trombones from all over Styria
In cooperation with the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG), the Styrian Wind Music Association and the music schools of Styria
For children from 7 to 11 years
Tickets for school classes are available for € 8 per child (when visiting as a class)