
More detailsA mother struggles with her two sons to resolve a highly dangerous conflict: the two brothers are to share the rule of Thebes. As one of them does not abide by the agreement of the annual change of government, the other sees himself deprived of his right to the throne and threatens to attack the city. Her mother Iocaste tries with all her might to avert the escalating violence. She warns of the devastating consequences of war and calls for dialog instead of revenge. But her arguments go as unheard as her pleas. Stubbornness and the inability to compromise seem to lie like a curse on the family, so that the conflict between the brothers threatens to wipe out an entire town. …
From the perspective of a mother, the family drama, which the author traces back to the Oedipus myth, illustrates the limits of argumentation, but also clearly shows the value of a change of perspective in the event of conflict. The text superimposes images of contemporary crises and wars over the ancient constellations of characters, bringing the consequences of failed diplomacy depressingly close to our everyday lives.
Roland Schimmelpfennig is one of the most frequently performed contemporary German-language playwrights. Following last season’s “Prima Facie”, director Anne Bader and her artistic team are once again tackling a subject in which political discourse is conducted on a very personal level.
Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes, no break